The following are a selection of the parcels available on FairChang Lido:
Tport to FairChang Lido 1: It is 4096m², has use of 936 prims and can be purchased for L$7,500 (which includes the first month's tier), the monthly tier is US$27. Tier may be paid in L$ at one of our three ATMs or in US$ via PayPal.
Tport to FairChang Lido 15: It is 3072m², has use of 703 prims and can be purchased for L$5850 (which includes the first month's tier), the monthly tier is US$21. Tier may be paid in L$ at one of our three ATMs or in US$ via PayPal.
Tport to FairChang Lido 10: It is 2048m², has use of 468 prims and can be purchased for L$4500 (which includes the first month's tier), the monthly tier is US$16. Tier may be paid in L$ at one of our three ATMs or in US$ via PayPal.
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